The Third Geometric Origami Convention (Terceira Convenção do Origami Geométrico)

Foi incrível participar da terceira convernção do origami geométrico e, além de aprender diversos modelos incríveis, pude conhecer dezenas de origamistas de vários países porque as aulas era no Zoom.


Third time’s a charm!

Once again, we invite you to celebrate the beauty, elegance, and wisdom of the geometric origami genre. We have groundbreaking new designs of tessellations, amazing color-change single sheet models, and modulars to astonish you!

As always, we have a mix of old and brand new models, from the great masters of the old days, like Robert Neal and Fred Rohm, to the latest rising stars of today. Some will come and teach themselves, and some will be taught by us.

This collection of models, at least in our eyes, is the best we curated so far. You do not want to miss this event!!

You can find all the details about the models in our free, dowloadable program booklet:

GOC3-Program Booklet

Acesse o PDF para ver as aulas que serão minstradas.

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